I've already been 15 days in the Himalaya range visiting villages, sacred lakes, stupas and countless monasteries...but because of a foggy rain that is following me since Nepal I was not able to see the "roof of the world" Mount Everest.
I was walking around Yuksom -one of many towns of Sikkim- and wandering if I would finally do some proper hiking when I meet Bernie again. At this point of the tour around Sikkim we are a bunch of people crossing each others ways almost every day.
Bernie is a Canadian guy and that has traveled a lot, and we met 3 towns ago. Along with Sandy - Germany- and Gary -England- decided to hike the Singalila Ridge until we reach the 4100 meters above see level, from there we could see 8.860-meters Mount Everest.
The expedition begins in Dajeeling where we take a jeep. Four hours later we are in the starting point at 1.800 meters in the Indian-Nepali border where we hired a guide.
It will be six days walking along the ridge that shapes the border between India and Nepal, a lot of ups and downs, until we hopefully get to a high peak to have a stunning view of the Himalayan range all coped with snow. On the way we should sleep and eat in cheap local´s home-stay.
Finally after days with no shower, very tired, at almost 4.100 meters and feeling like pushing our guide to the cliff we arrived to Phalut, the highest point of our hike...but it was cloudy and no view of the mountains. Weather is very changing on the mountains, but if in the morning is cloudy it is very unlikely that it will clear up later in the day.
Surprisingly, clouds opened like a window that perfectly framed Mt. Kangchenjunga. And after that the sky became all clear. We could see all the Himalayan range from Nepal to Bhutan peaks, including Mt. Everest. STUNNING, this show lasted one hour and then clouds came again just in time for our way back to lowlands. I felt like I had an eye wink from nature.
We all agreed it was the best hike we made, moreover with Diwali celebration that we had with a local familiy in the best place in the world: at high altitude in the Himalayas. We drank, laughed and had a lot of fun.
After that we came back to Darjeeling, had farewell diner and each of us took a different way. I am at Hong Kong now, still thinking in those amazing mountains while I see very different peaks: skyscrapers.
Don´t miss the video and I hope you enjoy the pics. I´m going to discover this jungle!
Our itinerary on the nepal-india border until we get to 4.100 meters at phalut (4)
the team: sandy, garry, me and bernie
our guide
still in lowlands with friendly temperature.
20 minutes later we were already tired! ;)
left india, right nepal
bernie, talking about one of his many travels
foggy and then clear, and then foggy, and then clear...but always colder
gary and sandy
trying to see the mountains
of the villages we stayed in, they were celebrating diwali
they were drinking this homemade beer that is like a bomb for your stomach (remember gary?)
looks like nazi, but it is actually a Hindi symbol, nazi party "borrowed" it
having dinner for diwali
on nepali side, with a hindi militar base on the background (we are almost arrested for taking the picture)
there we go!
a very tired sandy
at phalut, celebrating we arrived at 4.100 meters safe and sound.
Que buen vídeo tio, se te ve con ganas de producir!
ReplyDelete(lo de la música no la relacionaremos con nada que haya pasado en los himalayas, tranquilo...)
Chuequito: que alegria saber que estas feliz... y bien. Te extrañaba, hace rato queria saber de vos.
ReplyDeleteLos lugares que mostras son impresionantes. Es increible pensar que estuviste ahi. Muy lindo, y seguis re flaquito, a ver s ahora en Hong Kong le pegas a la chesse Burger y te pones al dia.
Un beso enorme... te esperamos
chuecooo!!!! para variar, el relato me encanto, las fotos tambien y esta vez el video me parecio espectacular!!! me encanto el grupo con el que andabas, bernie, parece realmente muy piola. Me alegro que no estes solo, una suerte barbara que se abrieran las nubes, y poder ver el everest, las buenas ondas estan de tu lado!!!! besos, cuidate, y hasta la proximaaaa
ReplyDeleteQue buena ventana al mundo que nos estas abriendo!!! me alegro cada dia que leo tu blog...me imagino que viajo con vos.
ReplyDeleteUn gran abrazo!y que la fuerza te acompañe...
Hola Chueco, que bueno que tenias estado fisico para llegar ahi. Una maravilla el Himalaya, realmente... impresionado por esos lugares, sentite bendecido de recorrerlos!!!
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo
Chuequito , cada vez mas impresionado por los lugares que conociste. Me gustó muchísimo esta travesía. La verdad que extrañaba tus relatos y fotos. Seguí conociendo y contandonos todo.
ReplyDeleteUn beso grande - Getón
Holaaaa....la verdad no hay palabras para describirlo...... las fotos estan buenísimas al igual que el video, me alegro que estes disfrutando tanto y nos dejes formar parte de este viaje.....
ReplyDeleteUn beso grande desde madrid
Lechon: que bueno que estas de nuevo, se te extrañaba, la verdad que a medida que avanzas en el viaje son cada vez mejores los paisajes. Esto de las montañas me supero, alucinante, no hay palabras para decribirlos. Segui disfrutando, os vemos pronto.
ReplyDeleteAbrazo grande
Amarillo y flia.-
Hola Chueco;
ReplyDeleteAcabamos de dar con tu blog, cuando has dejado un comentario a nuestro relato en la La Vanguardia.
Aprovechamos para saludarte, desearte un buen viaje y enlazarte con nuestro blog, mereces estar en el apartado de Gente Viajera.
Un abrazo y cuidate
ReplyDeletela verdad este viaje me impresiono fue hermoso cada dia q publicas algo en tu blog son cosas maravillosas que se pueden realizar y vos las estas realizando hermoso el grupito q te armaste muy simpaticooo bernie, esta experiencia cuando la decidiste realizar estabas en lo correcto siempre te pongo lo mismo pero son palabras que se me van gastando cada vez q te escribo porque lo unico q puedo decir de todos los lugares q vas yendo las unicas palabras q puedo decir son que maravilloso este lugar y que experiencia esta viviendo, la montaña fabulosa estas hermoso y en buen estado para poder escalar esa montaña, segui disfrutando q nosotros ns comunicamos desde aqui con vos y te seguimos
te esperamos ya casi no falta nada , y te segimos acompañando
pd:la musica del video de donde la sacaste no tiene nada q ver o estaban en un velorio jajaj
bueh segui disfrutandoo
tu sobrina preferidaa
sos lo mas
y rsponde o conectate
Querido Chueco,camin{e con vos por esas montañas y me cansé, creeme pero lo peor es qque hasta me faltó el aire¡¡¡¡ Y.... QUE QUE EN ESOS RECÓNDITOS LUGARES???? TE VEO CADA VEZ MAS FLACO -Besitos-Tía Blanquita